The game is seen violent through this article, "though not showing decapitations or dismemberment, is nonetheless continuous and dramatic. Shooting, or hitting zombies with any of the game’s weapons (which range from baseball bats and guns, to shopping carts with pitchforks strapped to them) results in a copious amount of blood that sprays from the wound, and often pools on the ground." But you can also get garden tools and knifes and cut limbs off of the zombies, so there's a lot of blood involved. The amount of "people" you kill in the game is numerous, and each time you kill them, there is a huge spurt of blood that comes out of them, making it a pretty graphic game. Another source states that in Germany, their software rating organization, would not approve of this game, basically "banning" the game from Germany. For any game that is banned, then it has to be pretty bad. Both the factors that it was banned in a country, and how the game's gore is literally pouring out of a zombie each second, concludes that this game should probably not be played.
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